Print Campaign for Kri-Kri Master ice-cream.
When you finish your Master, you tend to crave for more, even the stick seems edible.
Creative Team
Creative Director: Nikos Vavakis
Copywriter: Panos Myriagkos
Art Director: Amanda Galal
Company: SohoSquare Athens
Client: KRI KRi
E-Food Campaign | Now thats a story
Creative Team
Creative Director - Dimitra Karagianni
Copywriter - Zoe Boukouvala
Art Director - Amanda Galal
Company: McCann World Group Athens
Client: Efood
Creative Team
Creative Director - Dimitra Karagianni
Copywriter - Zoe Boukouvala
Art Director - Amanda Galal
Company: McCann World Group Athens
Client: Dixan
Hyundai Proactive Print
Hyundai Proactive Print
Creative Team
Creative Director - Dimitra Karagianni
Copywriter - Zoe Boukouvala
Art Director - Amanda Galal
Company: McCann World Group Athens
Client: Hyundai
Art Director: Amanda Galal
Copywriter: Zoe Boukouvala
Young Lions Competition 2019 Greece
The Brief:
The impact of Social Media.
The Insight:
How excessive use of social media is distorting and not so evident, it happens without us even realising and continues to do so as we keep on scrolling.
We visualize the distortion in which social media can cause on each individuals mental state, resulting to the most characteristic move of navigation. Scrolling. The power and simplicity our visual holds shows the universality of use on your phone using the mirror reflection of the device implying that its nature could distort one's identity. This concept could be adjusted to different means and touchpoints such as interactive banners, snapchat filters etc. It answers the brief clearly as it challenges the problem, without condemnation but instead results to a solution in a discreet manner towards the generation that has learned to project themselves and avoid their own true reflection.
Art Director: Amanda Galal
Copywriter: Nikos Mavrias
Award: 3rd Prize
Creative Team
Copywriter: Panos Myriagkos
Art Director: Amanda Galal
Creative Director: Nikos Vavakis
Company: SohoSquare Athens
Client: Dewars